Request a new HP Form (HPForm) / How do I make an HP Form? Follow
In order to create a new HP Form for you, the IT Services team needs some basic information to make an entry into their Project Tracking system (Docket).
Providing information using this --> link <-- will start the process.
Creating a form requires time, and how much time depends on the complexity of the form and if there are any approvals or workflows that are part of the process. As a submitter of a new forms request, your input is very important and you will be actively involved in every step of the process during development, testing and acceptance of the form before it is released.
What is an HP Form?
HP Forms are a way to automate workflows and minimize data entry, while keeping data secure, applying your own department branding within the city, and using surveys and forms submitted by anyone - internal employees and external/public requests - to kickstart processes.
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